Service Sunday 11.30am Wigtown Parish Church

Notices for week beginning Sunday 14th July 2024
These notices provide information about what is currently happening in Wigtown Parish Church and
around. The Church of Scotland website provides regularly updated information at
1. Sunday Services: 10 am Kirkcowan Parish Church. The Blessing Service of Fergus Alan Bailey.
11:30 am Wigtown Parish Church. 11:30 am Wigtown Baptist Church. 3 pm Open air, Wigtown
Baptist Church Gardens (Inside if wet).
2. Wigtown Week this week.
3. Monday: Ninian Moment Noon, Sacred Heart Church.
4. Tuesday: Commonwealth War Graves Tour, Whithorn Cemetery, 1 pm.
5. Friday: Martyrs Talk and Walk with Donna Brewster, from and to Wigtown Parish Church, 10:30
6. Sunday 21st July: Services 10 am Kirkcowan Parish Church. 11:30 am Wigtown Parish Church.
Wigtown Parish Church holds its Third Sunday Surprises with Bakes and Produce available at
this morning’s service. Stickers on individual items with suggested donation to church funds.
Everyone is welcome to participate, whether to bring or buy.
11:30 am Wigtown Baptist Church. 3 pm Open air, Wigtown Baptist Church Gardens (Inside if
7. Machars Basics Bank: Whatever you can donate is gratefully received. Thank you for your
8. Keep up to date with what is happening at the Wigtown Parish Church and Wigtown Baptist
Church Facebook pages.
How you can donate to the Church
Your giving to Wigtown Parish Church or Kirkcowan Parish Church will help us to continue our
ministry and mission and ensure that we are sustained, equipped and resourced to face the future.
Follow the link below to the Church of Scotland donations page.
1. Choose a congregation you wish to give to and ensure that you click the donate to a congregation
2. Opt in to gift aid (applicable to UK taxpayers only)
3 Complete your donation which will bring you via PayPal but also allows you to donate with a card.

Posted in Church Services, Intimations | 2 Comments